New Terrain Award for Undergraduates

Undergraduate writers: the call for submissions closes December 31, 2018.

Whole Terrain, the nationally renowned literary journal of Antioch University New England, has established an annual award for outstanding undergraduate writers. We’re seeking environmental writing — poetry, fiction or non-fiction — from current undergraduates for this year’s volume.

The writer of the winning piece will receive the New Terrain Award of $250 and have his or her work published in the upcoming volume. Entries should be sent via email. If you have questions or need assistance, please send us an email with the subject header “New Terrain Award Question.”

To qualify for the award, you must be an undergraduate student in good academic standing, and your submission must be original, unpublished work. This information will be verified for potential candidates.

Manuscripts are not read anonymously. During the screening process, every manuscript is read by the Whole Terrain editorial board in preparation for the finalist meeting where winners are chosen by consensus. In instances where an editorial board member is personally acquainted with an entrant the member is required to disclose the relationship before discussion.

Please email submissions to, with the memo line reading “New Terrain Award.”