While it is admirable to have an environmental ethic, maintaining such an ethic is difficult in both practice and theory. Contributors include a US EPA president and a US DOE whistleblower, who have faced ethical dilemmas in the workplace. Despite the risks, they stood up for their beliefs, learning in the process that adhering to their deepest convictions brought great rewards.
Editor’s Note
Taking Risks: Environmental Ethics at Work
Jill Schwartz and Catriona Glazebrook, Editors
Father Thomas Berry: A Reverence for Life
Interview with Father Thomas Berry
Managing the Earth Household: A Green Perspective on Ethics and Economics
Steve Chase
Identity and Ethics: From Ecclesiastical to Ecological
Philip Clark
Ethical Behavior: Destiny or Disease
Casey Ruud
EPA Headquarters: The Challenge on the Front Lines
Dwight Welch
Accepting the Gift Without the Giver
Ruth Jacquot
Ethics in the Newsroom
Andrew Brengle
David Brower: Of Ethics, Boldness and Butterflies
Interview with David Brower
The Images of Whole Terrain
Ty Minton
For Dian Fossey
Howard Nelson
Temporary Participants and Touching
Sandy Fink