Volume 5: Research as Real Work

Contributing writers to this issue explore the realm of environmental research as more than a purely objective pursuit. These researchers invite the reader into their passionate quests through their hearts, their minds, and their work.

Editor’s Note

Real Work: Research and the Environment
Amanda Gardner, Editor


Requiem to a Regular Bird
Sue Holloway

In the Provincial Museum
Bruce Berger

The Missing Binoculars
Bruce Berger

Life and Death on Shiva’s Beach
Paul Spencer Sochaczewski

Phyllis Windle

A January Journal: Rescuing the Swans
Sue Holloway

Reflections on a Tapestry of Story
Deborah Leta Habib

To Search and Search Again: On the Practice of Environmental Research
Thomas Lowe Fleischner

Follow the Raven
Greg Gordon

Defending Ancient Forests from the Wrath of the 104th Congress
Dominick DellaSala

Tribulations of an Environmental Farm Writer
Gene Logsdon

Charting the Territory of Collaboration
Dianne Dumanoski

Dwelling in the House of Life
An interview with Paul Brooks