Volume 7: Transience, Permanence, and Commitment

In our lives of movement and impermanence, how do we strengthen our commitment to the environment as we change our commitment to place? Authors reflecting on questions of identity, belonging, and connection in the midst of mobility and change prompt us to develop a sense of commitment and kinship with the land, even those places that are only temporarily in our lives.

Editor’s Note

Transience, Permanence, and Commitment in the Midst of Mobility and Change
Sherri Miles, Editor


At Home
Linda Lizut Helstern

Meditation Point
Jan Bailey

Snapdragons and Superman
Dana Garrett

Alesia Maltz

Jane Routh

Off The Map
Chellis Glendinning

Meditation on Two Salamanders
Reyes Garcia

Fragments of Vanished Lives
John Elder

Not Wandering, Not Staying Put
A. d’Forrest Ketchin

Each Sky Its Own Blue
an interview with David Abram

Transience and Permanence Forever Unfolding
Mitchell Thomashow

Searching the Song of Place
Beth McDermott

Undulating Through Raindrops
Gregory Tomb

Altars of Bleached Memories
Nancy Deever

The Trail to Green Mountain
Nat Scrimshaw

The Kootenai Five
Rick Bass

Journal Reflections on the Thai-Burmese Border
Elias Amidon