Volume 8: Legacy & Posterity

Writers in this issue reflect on the importance of environmental legacy in our lives. For some contributors, legacy is held in a landscape, a generation, a mentor, a dream. For others, it is embodied in environmental heroes. A common theme throughout explores how a legacy of caring is passed from one generation to the next, and how such a living legacy can both nurture and alter our environmental history.

Editor’s Note

Sherri Miles


The Gorillas in the Philadelphia Zoo
Howard Nelson

Moments of Youth
Liza Jeswald

The Early Protectors
Bruce Berger

Jeff Bickart

By the Light of John Muir; an interview with Lee Stetson
Fred Taylor

A Naturalist’s Legacy of Caring
Ann Zwinger

The Art of Mentoring
Ricardo Sierra

Larry Daloz

Intergenerational Ambivalence
Janet Pivnick

Recollections of my Father: an interview with Nina Leopold Bradley
Russell Sewell and Clifford Knapp

Communication Between Senior Citizens and Children in Nature Schools
Shigeyuki Okajima

Haystacks and Hay-bales, Pumpkins and Seeds:Transmitting the Treasures of Childhood
Rabbi Everett Gendler

Remembering Gramps
Katherine Fiveash

The Biography of a Landscape
Maria Isabel Garcia

A Sense of Wonder: an interview with Kaiulani Lee
Sherri Miles

The Remembering
Ana Charvelle

Native Heritage: A Tradition of Participation
Simon Ortiz