Volume 19: Net Works

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As environmental practitioners we cast nets to sample nature, to gather knowledge, to provoke action. Ornithologists use mist nets to capture birds for banding, advocates and organizers use social networks to foment governmental and public action, and vast amounts of data are gathered from different disciplines to construct climate change models. What do we hope will be the end result of our collective net work, as we seek both the tangible and the ineffable? Volume 19 of Whole Terrain offers creative interpretations of the theme Net Works that encompass the full range and scope of environmental practice.

Editor’s Note by Michael Metivier



A Complex of Occasions
Susan Pollack

Practicing with Indra’s Net
Stephanie Kaza

The Cooler Blog
Deb Habib & Ricky Baruc

A Tree Falls in the Forest
Laird Christensen

The Worth of a Mountain
Gregory McNamee

A Speculative Future: The Landscape Architecture of Attic Office
Kathryn Foley & Colleen Tuite

Twenty-First Century Cetology
Philip Hoare

I Want To Save This Whale
Lisa Olstein

Net Work Life
Rich Grogan

On the Way to Catoctin
Luc Phinney

Between the Lines
Kristen Przyborski

The Neutral Ground
Austin Feldbaum

Jaswinder Bolina


Graphic Design
Vivian Kimball

Sophy Tuttle


Read the original Call for Submissions.