Whole Terrain welcomes submissions for web content from authors, artists, and environmental practitioners for publication on our website. Content can include expository pieces (essays, vignettes, op-eds, etc.), interviews/profiles, fiction and poetry, visual pieces (photos, drawings/paintings, comics/serialized graphic novels), audio/video pieces, and other creative content related to Whole Terrain’s theme of reflective environmental practice. The print journal and blog cultivate reflective thought and mindful awareness in an effort to create a balance between humanity and the Earth. Email your submissions with a subject line, “Web content submission.”
Email: wholeterrain@antioch.edu
Length: 1500 words
Visual imagery: up to 10 images
- follow Chicago Manual of Style for capitalization, general format, and citations.
- should be roughly 600-1500 words in length.
- contain relevant hyperlinks to mentioned or related content.
- contain a brief 1-4 sentence biography of the contributor, including links to a personal website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., and an author photo.
- images to accompany articles are strongly encouraged, and will be used with permission.