Volume 4: Exploring Environmental Stereotypes

How do stereotypes affect the way environmentalists think and work, and interact with nature? In this issue, authors get to the heart of what divides us by analyzing the implications of stereotyping on perception, politics, diversity issues and our relationship to nature.

Editor’s Note

Exploring Stereotypes: On the Road to Understanding
Sabine Hrechdakian and Ginger Dowling Miller, Editors


Mistaken Impressions of the Natural World
Stephanie Kaza

Wilderness is Where my Genome Lives
Paul Shepard

Mooning Around on Mountaintops: Caracatures of Environmentalists
Alexandra Dawson

Building a More Inclusive Environmental Movement
Running Grass

Touching the Earth
bell hooks

Allies of Environmental Justice: A Call for Middle Class Power
Fred Rose

One Small Step: Combatting Sexism in the Environmental Movement
Joy Belsky, Sally Cross, and Diane Valentine

Smoke from the Population Bomb
An Interview with Betsy Hartmann

A Review of Judi Bari’s Timber Wars
Ginger Dowling Miller

Geocentric and Achieving Perspective
Pattiann Rogers

The Return
Thomas McGrath

A Circular Walk
David Rothenberg

Twenty Ninth Street
David Rothenberg